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Consultation Outcome


New Academic Year 2023-24

Parents, guardians and carers, together with all other stakeholders are advised of important changes to apply to the new academic year 2023-24 and beyond at the Studio College.

This notice is in direct response to the outcome of the statutory consultation, as outlined and agreed.

Thank you to our parents, guardians and carers, together with other related parties and stakeholders, for taking the trouble to consider the proposal prior to the consultation deadline. To this end, it has been agreed to align the Studio College academic year with the traditional Schools and Colleges of the Trust with effect from September 2023.

Accordingly, this means the Autumn Term will now commence on Wednesday 6th September 2023 for all students, at the usual time of 8.45am.

In light of the above, a number of parents may require transitional arrangements to be made so their child can continue to attend College in the period 19th August to 5th September 2023. In this case, please make direct contact with the College by Friday 4th August 2023, so that the necessary interim provision can be determined and secured until the new start of term